Paediatric Neurologist

Paediatric Neurologists provide expert care in the management of conditions that affect the brain, spinal cord, muscles and nerves. This involves children with a variety of disabilities including inherited neurological diseases.

Common conditions managed by a Paediatric Neurologist :

epilepsy and seizures

headaches and migraines

tic disorders

developmental delay, neurodevelopmental disorders


cerebral palsy

neurogenetic disorders

neurometabolic disorder

Book your appointment now

Related Services

electroencephalogram – EEG

video – eeg monitoring

nerve conduction studies and electromyography (EMG)

dietary therapies for epilepsy


epilepsy foundation victoria

national organisation of rare disease

charlie foundation

epilepsy australia

muscular dystrophy australia

    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

    4 Email *

    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *