Clinical Psychologist & Neuropsychologist

Let our family care for yours

clinical interests

  • 1 Neurodevelopmental assessment
  • 2 Learning and educational assessment
  • 3 Child and adolescent mental health
  • 4 Anxiety and emotional dysregulation
  • 5 Acquired brain injury rehabilitation

Ms Renee Hewitt

Clinical Neuropsychologist & Clinical Psychologist
BSci BA(Hons) MPsych(Clin) MPsych(ClinNeuropsych) PhD

Renee Hewitt is a Senior Clinical Neuropsychologist and Clinical Psychologist with master’s degree qualifications in both areas of practice. Her research background includes a PhD from the University of Melbourne obtained in 2012 exploring emotional and neuro development in vulnerable adolescents.

Renee has more than 10 years’ experience practicing in a range of clinical settings, including public hospitals and private practice, working with clients across the lifespan. In her current public health appointment as the Neuropsychology Educator at Alfred Health, she actively contributes to training and development of fellow professionals in the field.

Renee has an interest in supporting children and families navigate the complexities of developmental, cognitive, and emotional challenges. She conducts neurodevelopmental assessment for children presenting with acquired brain injuries, developmental delays, learning difficulties, ADHD, and autism spectrum disorders. She also provides clinical psychology support for children, adolescents and young people experiencing depression and anxiety as well as emotional and behavioural challenges related to neurodevelopmental conditions. Renee is a strong advocate for her clients and adopts a practical and collaborative style to assessment and therapy. She brings a warm, flexible, and client centred approach to her clinical work to promote resilience and emotional wellbeing.

Book your appointment now

    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

    4 Email *

    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *