1800 54 37 37​

Offspring Child Health Specialists

Let our family care for yours

Dr Michael Hayman

Paediatric Neurologist

Dr Michael Hayman is an experienced paediatric neurologist with an appointment at both the Royal Children’ ‘s Hospital and Monash Children’ ‘s Hospital, having trained in Melbourne, primarily, and in Vancouver, Canada. Michael has a broad range of expertise in looking after children with neurological issues. He also has more than 20 years of experience in providing expert opinions and assessments for lawyers and the Court. He is a Senior Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, University of Melbourne, an Adjunct Lecturer, Department of Paediatrics, Monash University, an Honorary Research Fellow at the Murdoch Children’ ‘s Research Institute, serves on the Medical Panels, Victoria and previously served as the Paediatric Lead of the Specialist Training Committee in Neurology Royal Australasian College of Physician.
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    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

    4 Email *

    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *