Offspring Child Health Specialists

Let our family care for yours

Dr Aveena Anantharajah

Respiratory and Sleep Paediatrician
MBBS BMed Sci (Hons) FRACP DipPallMed (Clin)

Aveena is a respiratory and sleep paediatrician who takes pride in
providing tailored, holistic and evidence-based care for patients. She
completed paediatric training through the Royal Children’s Hospital and
Monash Children’s Hospital in Melbourne, Australia. She is dual trained
in paediatric respiratory and sleep medicine. She completed her sleep
fellowship at the Melbourne Children’s Sleep Centre and has since
worked in her field at the Royal Children’s Hospital, Cabrini Health and
Northern Hospital.

During her fellowship, Aveena learnt first-hand as a parent of a child with
obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA), the complexity with which families
navigate the health system when seeking the right treatment for their
child. This inspired her to create a seamless, stress-free and patient-
centred pathway – Prana Paediatric Sleep Service. Prana is a sleep
diagnostic service specialised in sleep studies at home.

She is passionate in the diagnosis and management of paediatric sleep
disorders like snoring, obstructive sleep apnoea, parasomnias and
hypersomnias including narcolepsy. She also cares for children and
adolescents with other respiratory conditions like asthma, allergic
rhinitis, chronic cough, habit cough and unexplained breathlessness.
These conditions often co-exist with OSA.

She is a member of the Australasian Sleep Association, Thoracic Society
of Australia and New Zealand and the European Respiratory
Society. Aveena prioritises spending time with her young family and
growing her passion as an amateur ceramicist.

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    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

    4 Email *

    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *