Offspring Child Health Specialists

Let our family care for yours

Dr Annette Webb

Paediatrician & Gastroenterologist
Clinical Hypnotherapist & Psychotherapist

Annette studied Medicine at the University of Melbourne. She completed Specialist Paediatric Medical training at the Royal Children’s Hospital (RCH), Melbourne, first as a General Paediatrician in 2003 and then sub-specialising as a Paediatric Gastroenterologist in 2006. She was then appointed as staff specialist/paediatric gastroenterologist at the Royal Childrens Hospital, Monash Hospital and Cabrini Hospital where she performed endoscopy services for children and adolescents and she headed the IBS clinic at RCH from 2003 until 2011.
Dr Webb currently has a public appointment (Gastroenterologist/Clinical hypnotherapist), VMO, in the Department of Gastroenterology at the Royal Melbourne Hospital, City Campus and runs the GFH (gut focused hypnotherapy) clinic at RMH.

Annette has been fortunate to receive prestigious postgraduate awards including an Astra-Zenica Emerging leaders in Medicine Award and has received NHMRC & MCRI scholarship for investigating novel therapies for IBS.
Annette was Foundation Director of Paediatric Integrative Medicine at the National Institute of Integrative Medicine, Melbourne; and has undertaken formal training in Mindfulness Therapy and SMT (Stillness Meditation Therapy). Annette has had formal training in child and adolescent psychiatry including individual and group psychotherapy and Cognitive Behavioural Therapy.  Dr Webb has had extensive formal training in Child & Adolescent Psychotherapy and engages in regular peer review, formal supervision and ongoing professional development in this area.
Annette is currently Editor-in-Chief of the Australian Journal of Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis (AJC&EH) & Chair of Publications at the Australian Society of Hypnosis (ASH) and is committed to ongoing research in her areas of interest in neuro-gastroenterology and clinical hypnotherapy.
Annette’s private practice focuses on her areas of interest in clinical hypnotherapy and functional gut disorders, utilising all aspects of her training.
In her spare time, Annette enjoys simple things like cooking with her kids, watching
a bit of TV with her husband and cross country running, where she runs really slowly but always tries her very best. She is very happy that her families football team, Richmond Tigers, won the grand final in 2017 and cant wait for them to win it again.

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    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

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    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *