clinical interests
Urinary tract infections
Bed wetting
Overactive bladder
Urinary retention
Buried penis
Chordee of the penis
Malformations of the penis (hypospadias, epispadias)
Disorders of sexual development
Undescended testis
Hernias, hydrocele
Vesico-ureteral junction obstruction
Vesico-ureteral reflux
Duplex kidney
Cystic kidney
Stones (kidney, ureter, bladder)
Bladder exstrophy
Neurogenic bladder (Spina bifida)
Posterior urethral valves
Tumors (kidney, testis)
Mr Juan Bortagaray
Paediatric Urologist
MD (Hons), FRACS (Paed)
Mr Juan Bortagaray is a fully credentialed Paediatric Urologist and Surgeon who has current appointments at the Royal Children’s Hospital and Offspring Child Health Specialists. He specialises in paediatric minimally invasive surgery, hypospadias surgery and urologic reconstructive surgery.
Mr Bortagaray obtained his medical degree in Argentina at the University of Buenos Aires in 2002. He subsequently completed general surgery and paediatric surgery training in Argentina in 2010, this included a fellowship in Paediatric Minimally Invasive Surgery at the Rocky Mountain Hospital for Children in Denver, Colorado. Mr Bortagaray then elected to sub-specialise in Paediatric Urology at Garrahan Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, which is a world renowned quaternary Paediatric Centre, which receives complex patients from Argentina and neighbouring countries. After completing his Paediatric Urology Fellowship in 2012, Mr Bortagaray was appointed as a Consultant Urologist in the same institution where he had a leading role in developing a minimally invasive Urology service.
Mr Bortogaray relocated to Australia in 2014 and worked as a Paediatric Urologist at Monash Children’s Hospital for the past five years before joining the team at the Royal Children’s Hospital in 2019, as a full time Urologist.