1800 54 37 37​

Kids Travel & BCG Clinic

Get expert travel immunisations and BCG advice, ensuring your family's safety for all adventures

Scheduled Immunisations

Travel Immunisations

Certified for BCG and Yellow Fever

General Travel Advice

Book your appointment now

Related Specialists

Dr Shidan Tosif

General Paediatrician & Travel Medicine

Online appointment request

    1 Reason for referral *

    2 Parent Surname *

    3 Patient First Name *

    4 Email *

    5 Patient Surname *

    6 Phone *

    7 Child’s date of birth *



    RCH Kids Health Information BCG vaccine for TB

    What to expect following the BCG vaccination

    What to expect after your child receives the BCG vaccination

    Dhanawade, S. Kumbhar, S. Gore, A. and Patil, V. Scar formation and tuberculin conversion following BCG vaccination in infants

      1 Reason for referral *

      2 Parent Surname *

      3 Patient First Name *

      4 Email *

      5 Patient Surname *

      6 Phone *

      7 Child’s date of birth *

      8 ADDRESS